This episode is a dream come true for my nerdy heart – I had a chance to talk to Dr. Isabella Rosner, whose podcast Sew What? I’ve been a fan of for years. We talked about how she got into textile histories, her PhD research and work at the Royal School of Needlework, about what textiles can teach us about what it means to be human and about making time to create.

Dr Isabella Rosner is the Curator of the Royal School of Needlework and Research Associate at Witney Antiques. She recently completed her PhD at King’s College London, researching Quaker women’s needlework, waxwork, and shellwork circa 1650 to 1800. Passionate about schoolgirl samplers and early modern women’s needlework, Isabella hosts the “Sew What?” podcast about historic needlework and those who stitched it. She is a 2023 BBC/AHRC New Generation Thinker.

Thank you for listening!

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