The Making & Mending Rituals podcast
A podcast about creativity, ritual & slow seasons.
#186 Staying creative with a messy brain
#185 The wild edge of sorrow // grief after sudden death
#184 What I am reading & how I am staying grounded this summer
#183 Sacred stories with Lara Irene Vesta
#182 Death awareness and creative enchantment with Narinder Bazen
#181 Mystical Stitches with Christi Johnson
#180 Five sweet rituals for May
#179 Radical textile histories with Dr. Isabella Rosner
#178 Moments that change everything with Chaney Williams
#177 Needlework, disability & oral history – an update on my studies
#176 Stitching spells for mental health
#175 How do we find our creative voice?
#174 An invitation to stitch & make with me in 2024
#173 Disability & slow process as devotional practice
#172 Making a spiritual home for winter
#171 How I am expanding my attention span to dive deeper into subjects I love
#170 Making a creative home (& I’m back)
#169 Exploring creative grief with Justine Mastin & Larisa Garski
#168 Embodiment & movement with Joelle of Butch Yoga
#167 Weaving grief threads with Melissa Word
#166 Entering a season of creative recovery (a river episode)
#165 The why and how of small ritual quilts (a river episode)
#164 What happens when we die? (A river episode)
#163 Slowing down for everyday plant healing with Phelicia Magnusson
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