Hey everyone,

this is a little exploratory solo episode, recorded on a break from watching Love Island, lol. I’ve been getting back into doing little readings for myself and others and I wanted to share a bit about how being away from instagram has changed things, how I make time for super low energy rituals at the moment and how it helps me tell better stories about what’s going on for me. Tarot as casual narrative therapy basically!

Enjoy and as promised find all links here:

Free grief tending session: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/x8m2e7

Audio recorded tarot readings: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/tarotstories/

Feedback form for your fall/winter time wishes: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfi5b2NvkfCwH1KPjnFzGwPaTYX1UcLtts-WOfioASpY5RoPg/viewform

Handmade prints: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/prints/

Listen to the Creative Rituals podcast on
Apple Podcasts // Spotify

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