Hey friends,

wishing you a gentle and restorative new year if you are celebrating!

This episode is a little catch up and I am also sharing my favorite new year ritual – it’s sweet & simple practice all about the Star card.

I have also talked about the Compass sessions, which I am hosting starting this Saturday for three weeks as part of the Creative Nature Coven. You can join us if you feel like you’d benefit from a creative space to land in the new year and want to be with others. It’s $13 per month, sliding scale options available: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/creative-nature-coven/

Here is more info about the Making app I mentioned: https://themakingapp.com/ and here is the Dreaming into 2022 class I’ll teach over there: https://themakingapp.com/classes/dreaming-into-2022-with-your-journal–the-tarot/Y599 (you’ll only be able to see this once you are logged in).

Sending love,


Listen to the Creative Rituals podcast on
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