Hey friends,

it seems like this was a week of many solo episodes (I also talked about embracing upper and lower limits around money over on my business podcast: https://pinkwellstudio.com/2022/05/19/77-embracing-upper-and-lower-limits-around-money/). – in this one I wanted to talk about the darker parts of the last few years and how loss can really become a portal to other, better, sometimes insightful things. I find this hard to talk about because I don’t want to stray into victim blaming or spiritual bypassing, yet there are these things about pain and shock that I think are important to say out loud and that I wish I had known sooner.

Overall, and I know I’ve been talking about this a lot, I wish we’d do more good grieving, because that is where the magic is. That is where we grow and avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. That is also where we really get to know ourselves and each other.

This episode comes with a content note for suicide, death, hospitalisation, break ups, sexual assault and disability. I am not talking much about graphic details, but I am naming those things in the hope we can feel less alone in the experience of them. I trust you’ll know if now is the time to listen or not.

Thank you for listening to my waffles <3




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