Hey friends,

I’m excited to introduce you to a new evolution of my podcast for its 6th birthday.

In this episode I am sharing some emotional whereabouts and life updates as well as thoughts on what a craft sanctuary can be and what I am hoping to make with you moving forward.

Here are the free queer spirit sessions I mentioned: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/queer-spirit/

And here is my creative community, now meeting twice per week: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/creative-portal/

Thank you so so much for all your love and support through the years. This project means the world to me and I am excited for the next six years.



Listen to the Creative Rituals podcast on
Apple Podcasts // Spotify

You're welcome to join my Substack - I share new episodes & creative resources and offer free monthly Spark Sessions. 

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