Hey friends,

I am sharing this solo episode on both my podcasts – Daydreaming Wolves and the DIY Small Business podcast because it feels relevant to both projects. I came across the expression voluntary simplicity this week and it’s been intensely on my ever since. While I never resonated with “voluntary poverty” there is so much freedom and pleasure in keeping things simple. 

So in this episode I am exploring how I am valuing simplicity in my life – in the home I bought, the ways in which I allow my business to stagnate, in how I try to get better at letting things be what they are and be led by my values rather than dominant narratives. I am asking what it can look life to be right sized in the space we take up, to find our own kind of success and am also giving a little update on smartphone free life, in case you’re interested. 

Let me know what you think! 

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