Hey loved listeners,

I seem to be in a good podcasting flow at the moment and am happy to bring another interview  with the wonderful Sam Wallen your way. Writing has been so precious to me this year, so I am glad for any chance to talk about the practice and magic of putting words to paper. Without further ado here is what we talked about:

  • Exploring what really wants to be written and telling the truth
  • Writing as a restorative practice
  • The importance of having our work received by the world
  • How stories change our realities and shape the future

Samantha Wallen is a writer, writing coach, burgeoning deep ecologist, and poet at heart. She offers transformative writing workshops, group and private coaching programs, and retreats for writers, want-to-be writers, and non-writers alike so they can discover their voice, clarify the deep value, purpose, and focus of their writing, and develop structures for committing to a sustainable and nourishing writing life and practice.

Sam’s mission is to restore the soul, one word at a time. Her work centers around what she calls, “Restorative Writing” and the “Restorative Writing Cycle.” Restorative Writing is writing that seeks to connect to the deeper meaning of life in order to revive and restore our relationship to the precious, invisible essence at the heart of the living world. It’s writing that longs to be witnessed and known by others, and writing that uses words as a pathway to reach what lives beyond language so that we might reach others and bring deeper connection to, and understanding of, what it means to be human in these strange and unprecedented times. It’s writing that seeks to touch, express, and restore our souls, and the soul of our world.

Website: https://samanthawallen.com/
Free Gift: https://samanthawallen.com/freegift/
Upcoming Group Program: https://samanthawallen.com/beyondthejournalprogram/

Sign up for the free Christmas party I mentioned: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/christmas-party/

Find my prints here: https://www.yarrowmagdalena.com/prints/

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