Hey beautiful beings, you might have noticed that I am now able to be a bit more consistent with the podcast, which is amazing and mainly due to the increase in Patreon supporters – thank you so much!!! For this episode I have interviewed another instagram crush that I had a beautiful tarot reading with myself – Krystal of Power Femme Tarot! Here is what we talked about:
- Finding a unique way of reading for ourselves and others
- Tarot as an anti-gaslighting tool
- Learning to trust ourselves again
- Bringing a fierce queer, feminist and political lens to the tarot
- Tarot magic for sacred sexuality
Krystal also talked about her friend Nick of https://queerofcups.com/ who is queer_of_cups on instagram and made a note after the recording:
“The only thing I’d say differently is omit the term “stalker card.” Since my convo with Yarrow, @pinewoodtarot shared an IG story about how this term glamorizes and trivializes assault. As someone who unabashedly brings a queer feminist anti-racist justice-centered lens to my Tarot practice, I’m profoundly grateful to be called in so pointedly and compassionately by @pinewoodtarot. Thank you for the wakeup call!”
Krystal is a New Orleans-based queer femme witch, priestess of the Morrigan, crafter of sacred tools, and professional tarot reader and teacher. She holds a PhD in Gender Studies and her academic nature has led her to study tarot rigorously and joyfully since the age of 15. Krystal‘s lifelong personal and professorial commitment to feminism, queer politics, and social justice also shapes her approach to tarot. For Krystal, tarot bridges intuition and intellect as well as the spiritual and the political. Krystal uses tarot to crack open space for empowerment, individual and collective healing, and social change.
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