Hey folks,

thank you so much for your patience with this episode, I have really missed podcasting! This time I was really excited to speak to Sarah Eliza Kelly who is a beautiful artist of many disciplines and who facilitates the Artist’s Way groups. I think this episode is for you if you are feeling a little creatively stuck and want to try something new. Here is what we talked about:

  • Loving many different creative expressions
  • Our experience of the book the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
  • Movement, embodiment and unstimulated rest
  • Wanting a container and a commitment to feel free within
  • Morning pages and taking yourself on artist dates

Sarah Elisa Kelly is a visual artist, papermaker, dancer and published poet who has been exploring her own relationship to creativity and facilitating creative workshops for over ten years. She is a Movement Medicine apprentice teacher and is currently completing a PhD at the Royal College of Art. She is passionate about embodiment, radical rest, slow time and interconnectivity, and holds spaces that are affirmative and honest with an emphasis on permission and trust. 

Sarah also offers a 13 week online support group for the Artist’s Way starting March 3rd that I will be part of and we would love to have you join us too! The price is 30 – 100 GBP sliding scale and you can find out more here: https://www.subscribepage.com/theartistsway

Here is Sarah’s instagram: https://www.instagram.com/my_medicinebox/



You can support the Daydreaming Wolves podcast by becoming a Patreon, which also gets you access to the year long The Magic of Embodiment program as well as my business courses: https://www.patreon.com/daydreamingwolves

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