Hey everyone,
happy Friday! I’m loving this episode so much and I hope you will too! Jess Grippo is so fun and wonderful to be around and she has really inspired me to finally f*cking dance again. In this giggly interview we talked about the following, amongst many other groovy things:
- The joy of dancing in your own way and why it’s so liberating
- Letting go of ideas about what a dance practice should look like
- Overcoming body image issues
- Creative processes that are joyful and easy
Jess Grippo is a dancer, performer, writer, creativity coach, and the author of Dance With This Book. After leaving her ballet career and being distanced from the dance world for years, she started making dance videos alone in her room. These DIY expressions would become the catalyst for reviving her creative expression and later transitioning her career back into dance – but this time, in her own way.
Since then, she’s been invited to speak and perform at TEDxNYU, Lincoln Center’s Dance On Camera Festival, the New York Comedy Club, and more. Her programs and videos have been helping people for years to reclaim dance, feel at home in their bodies, and revive their creative expression.
You can dance again: https://www.jessgrippo.com/you-can-dance-again-2020
Instagram/Tiktok: @jessgrippo
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