Hey friends,
how are you holding up?
As promised I am publishing more episodes for your isolation enjoyment <3
This one is a beautiful conversation with Jessica Uys in which we talked about the following:
  • The joy if ignoring common life and business advice
  • What it means to live an uncompromised life
  • Working with the enneagram to better understand our patters rather than getting into a box
  • Intentionally creating community culture
Jessica is a Coach, Facilitator & Researcher who believes in living an uncompromised life.
After 15 years in the corporate world of Consumer Insights, she’s spent the past 7 years as a “thinking partner”, helping people tune into what they really want,  look at themselves through a different lens and design their lives through conscious choice.

Jessica works intuitively, integrating her business experience alongside her work as an Enneagram Coach, BodyTalk Practitioner, Eating Psychology Coach and Breathwork Practitioner. Her corporate work includes both Enneagram team facilitation and research into organisational culture, diversity & inclusivity.

Listen to the Creative Rituals podcast on
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