I have recently had the honour of running a workshop with my friend Sophie of Sage Moon Tarot and it made me appreciate and fall in love with tarot even more.

To me, its about finding a way to tune into my intuition, listen to my own advice, make space for rituals and self-care and an attempt to make better, more loving decisions. I don`t try to see the future or manipulate outcomes, but I do want to feel into what is really going on.

This morning, last night, this whole months I have been struggling with a sense of insecurity around qualifications. In August I got so excited about making some radical diet changes and feeling so much better for it. I let go of added sugar and it is making a huge difference in my life. So naturally I want to share this and I am working through feelings of self-doubt, of thinking I can’t possibly speak about something I am not qualified in.

I have also been wanting to offer 1:1 support and guidance for Daydreaming Wolves readers and create more low priced audio courses around self-love, intuition, creativity and “alternative life guidance” (Is that a thing? I think it should be). On one hand I know I want to learn more about transformational life coaching and gain practical tools for support work, on the other hand I know (as does my bank account) that I have invested, loved and really taken in an incredible amount of trainings these last few years and that I have plenty of things that I feel honoured to pass on.

In situations like this I think a short, to the point tarot reading can be amazing – it cuts through the layers of insecurity and reminds me of what matters. So this morning my questions where the following (one for each card):

What is my strength in this?

What is the essence of it all?

What is blocking me?

You can see the cards that came up in the picture above. It feels special to get an all-major-arcana reading and I am understanding it as a bit of a slap in the face – we have so much work to do, we cannot endlessly wallow in confusion and insecurity. While what we can offer might never be perfect, it should not stop us from giving it a good try. The world shows the completion of a journey to me, it has a sense of peace within flow and chaos. The lovers in this case are about choosing love – it is a perfect description of the essence I was looking for. And then the tower – THE TOWER – shakes things up and asks for a fierce letting go of old patterns. It’s a road block that can turn things on its head in the best way if we are willing to be confronted.

I will sit with this for a while and I hope you will find all the support and guidance you need too <3

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